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As your representative in the Virginia House of Delegates, I will be accessible to the all of the citizens of the 55th House District. I will continue the tradition of Delegates Frank Hargrove and John Cox of maintaining a full-time district office so that citizens can contact me day or night. My pledge to you is that when you contact my office, you will not be waiting endlessly for a response. We will respond in a timely manner. Since the 55th House District stretches for many miles into Spotsylvania and Caroline counties, those distances may present a hardship for some to visit the legislative office. I will be more than happy to come to you!
Supporting Our Families
My pledge to you is that I will back legislation that supports traditional family values. In addition, supporting our citizens with intellectual and developmental disabilities will be one of my top priorities. As a longtime member and supporter of the Hanover Association of Retarded Citizens (ARC), I understand the challenges these individuals and families encounter on a daily basis. For this reason, I will support Virginia’s ongoing transition from institutional care to community-based services and also work to reduce the “waiting list” for community based services.
Our stagnant economy has magnified the financial challenges Virginia families wrestle with every day. I believe Virginia needs more taxpayers, not more taxes! That is why I will focus on economic policies that encourage investment, increase employment opportunities, and promote economic growth. I will support and defend Virginia’s “Right to Work” Law, and I will also work to maintain a common sense regulatory environment. Business owners from across the 55th House District recognize my commitment to the free enterprise system, which is why numerous business leaders and business organizations have endorsed by candidacy.
A great education is one of the the keys to a successful future something I have learned first- hand as the father of three Hanover County public school graduates.
Many important public education reforms were enacted during the 2014 and 2015 Virginia General Assemblies. These reforms, which I supported, are intended to improve the quality of classroom instruction, reform the Standards of Learning tests and Standards of Accreditation, and also to provide local school divisions with increased budgeting flexibility so as to provide local School Boards with the ability to fund their most important priorities.
I believe that the teacher is the most important ingredient in education and for that reason the overwhelmingly majority of education funding must be centered in the classroom. I believe the General Assembly should have a benchmark of requiring 70% of every education “dollar” be spent on classroom instruction.
As with other public employees, teachers are counting on the Virginia Retirement System for retirement income. I pledge to support fully funding the state’s share of yearly deposits into the VRS.
One of my top priorities as a lifelong outdoor enthusiast will be to work to support efforts to clean up the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. I believe it is important to continue current efforts at modernizing local sewage treatment plants, and to provide adequate funding for the “Cost Sharing” program that assists farmers in the implementation of agricultural “best management practices”. These BMPs are intended to reduce the agricultural runoff into our streams and rivers. During the 2015 Virginia General Assembly, I introduced, and supported legislation, to require Companies that apply “industrial bio-solids” to pay a fee that provides for local government inspection and monitoring. I also introduced, and supported, legislation that provided for an environmental study of the long term impact of the land application of sewage and industrial biosolids. It is my belief that environmental regulations must be based on 3 important principles including: regulations must be based on sound scientific facts; must produce results that are measurable; and must be affordable and workable. The best intended environmental regulations are useless if they are too costly or complex to implement.
Eminent Domain
I supported the reforms to Virginia’s Eminent Domain laws, including the amendment to the Virginia State Constitution, which protects landowners and businesses, from unlawful “taking” or condemnation of their private property. In addition, these reforms provide for just compensation including lost profits in the case of condemnation. The ownership of private property is a fundamental right, guaranteed by the 5th Amendment of the Bill of Rights. It is my belief that the government should have to clear a very high hurdle when making the case for any condemnation of private property.
Expanding Medicaid
During the 2014 & 2015 Virginia General Assembly, the House of Delegates voted to hold the line on ObamaCare and blocked Medicaid Expansion in Virginia. The General Assembly made this decision because the Republican majority believes it is important to reform Medicaid first, before expanding it.
A new poll out from the Thomas Jefferson Institute shows Virginia voters agree - Medicaid reform must come first. Costs are skyrocketing. Medicaid spending in Virginia has grown by 1600% over the last 30 years. Medicaid now consumes 23 percent of the state budget. The federal government has promised to pay for expansion, but the truth is Washington can't afford it. The country is $18.5 trillion in debt and any new spending will really just mean more borrowing. And when, not if, Washington pulls the plug on its promises, Virginia taxpayers will be left footing the bill.
Most importantly, Medicaid patients are not receiving high quality care. Doctors are refusing to see Medicaid patients because of low reimbursement rates. A study conducted by researchers at Harvard and MIT showed that expanding Medicaid coverage did not result in better health outcomes over a two-year period.
The recently formed Medicaid Innovation and Reform Commission created by the Virginia General Assembly is responsible for supervising the implementation of real Medicaid reforms. This Commission is working to enact patient-centered, market-based reforms that will lower costs and improve the quality of care. These reforms include promoting coordinated care, implementing cost-sharing systems, encouraging health and wellness programs and offering more flexible plans.
I am proud to support a reform-first approach to Medicaid. Virginia has earned its reputation as a well-managed state by addressing complex problems in a responsible manner. I believe we have to do the same with Medicaid.